Karen's mileage tracker

Karen's ride for Malawi

Monday, November 29, 2010

The new year is here!

I know that it's only November 29th, but we have set some goals for the coming year and we are all getting ready to begin the new fundraising year!

We have a lot of exciting events planned and there is a lot of work to be done, but we feel confident in our goals and ability to reach them!!

The latest batch of letters has gone off to Malawi with Abraham; he will return in February and hopefully have pictures and letters to return to Sunderland Elementary school. It will be a very exciting time for us and the children I think!

Stephen and I have been doing some driving on the route that I plan to ride in September...we have purchased a GPS for the car which has been an enourmous help finding our way. It sometimes takes me a while to catch up with technology, but I am glad we did with this gadget!! Now, I just have to find one for my bike and think we will be in good shape for directions for this ride.

I am getting ready to begin the big push for sponsors after the Christmas holiday. Our new website is not coming along as quickly as I would like, but I am accepting that it will just take more time than we thought and we are doing the best we can with it all! I have plans to recruit riders for this big ride as well to help raise funds in addition to finding sponsors for myself.

More to come...so stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. We produced a short film about the challenges girls face in trying to get an education in Malawi. I hope this may be of some use to you in demonstrating to potential sponsors exactly why you are raising funds for such a worthy cause. To view our film use the link below. Please feel free to post this link on your site if useful.
