Karen's mileage tracker

Karen's ride for Malawi

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So...I am off on another adventure!! I am currently 'scoping out' the route for next year's Karen's ride for Malawi. This past year's bike ride was fun, adventurous, but most of all it was successful in my gaining some support for Malawi. My last blog post was on September 11, and this past Friday was Veteran's Day...a little ironic in one sense. I know my 'cause' is not in gaining money for America, and some people don't like that, but on my 421 mile ride this past September, I gained an increased appreciation for our Country. Because of people's generosity

and willingness to help, that is what makes us such a wonderful nation!! The beauty is something that is unmistakable, as well!! It is so beautiful when I am out on the road; I get to see up close the natural beauty and I witness people from all over living their lives and going about their business as a passerby.
Yesterday I rode about 22 miles (I got lost on the way back, but only by about 3 miles). I took some photos along the way; only a few...these are 'teasers' because I plan to take many more on this ride coming up.
Today I am riding up the Coast to check out the roads and see what might be a good route for me to ride in September. Stephen told me to keep my eyes open for moose, so I plan to have my camera by my side in the car today!

My plan is to ride 500 miles along the Maine coast in September 2012; again, I hope to raise money and awareness about the Country of Malawi and support them in the area of education. We have a big year planned and will be identifying a new project to work towards as our classroom block project is nearing completion. My goal this year on my ride is to do a little bit more in the way of awareness-raising in the form of press and public speaking wherever I can.
My long-term goal is to eventually ride around the country in these small segments, doing the same thing. Raising money and awareness about Malawi and Educate Malawi, Inc.

Stay tuned for more photos and info. about the upcoming ride and the progress Educate Malawi is making in carrying out their mission. As always, if anyone can and wants to ride with me, I am planning to start around September 6th...the Farmer's Almanac looks pretty good for that week's time!



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