So, this is my bike with a bunch of stuff surrounding it! Stephen and I have been packing for the last couple of days and here it is Tuesday morning and we are ready to go...I think!
I have been watching the weather and it is looking like riding tomorrow may be very difficult! I may not get to ride due to the remains from the hurricane...they are calling for 80-90% chance of rain with 1-2 inches of rainfall...I did buy some rain gear, but don't know how safe it will be! So stay tuned!
On a really, really positive note, I am so very close to my $3,000 goal I cannot believe it! I will be putting out my final pleas for donations so that I do reach that goal. For those who might read this who did donate, yet another Thank you to you...which does not even come close to the gratitude I feel for those donations...but I appreciate each and every one!
This afternoon Stephen and I will be speaking at the Kittery Library and have received an email from a woman whose child attends an elementary school up there. Their school started a service club, and they are planning on meeting us at the library and they want to donate money to Karen's ride! I was so thrilled (again, beyond words) to hear that news from seemed to come from out of the blue! But, these are the kinds of things I have experienced since beginning Educate Malawi. We have met so many wonderful people and have encountered such generosity from people wanting to help us and Malawi. It inspires me to keep going and doing what we are doing.
Well, time to eat some breakfast and get this day moving! More to come...probably even later today after we speak at the library!
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