Karen's mileage tracker

Karen's ride for Malawi

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 4...day 2 in Malawi

So, I am back in Malawi and it is hard to believe. It is a different scenario, for sure, being here by myself. I am able to have contact with home, so that makes things a little better. I am beginning to formulate the days as far as what I will do and when. As with anything, anywhere, ‘you can plan, but don’t plan the outcome’!

I am staying with a friend for a few days in Blantyre and we spent some time talking last night. Every time I come to Malawi, I learn a little bit more about this country but I think most importantly, I learn more about myself and the world at large. I mean, I guess I sometimes forget that ‘people are people’ and that there are a lot of the same issues no matter where you go. We were talking about everything from politics to education to relationships….and I think I always want to generalize about the country’s people and I’m continually reminded that there is not one generalization about anyone!

Had a really bad night’s sleep; a bit of insomnia; I couldn’t get to sleep until after 2 a.m.! So, today will be a little relaxed and trying to rest up before I get this trip rolling into gear! I have a few things l want to accomplish while here, but think I will have plenty of down time as well.
So…I guess I will write more later; not much going on yet, but wanted to post a couple of updates for anyone who might be interested. Will write more when there is more to say!

Bye for now!

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