Karen's ride for Malawi
Friday, November 18, 2011
$2,656!! A special HUGE thank you to J. Rockwell "Rocky" Allen for his very generous donation of $500.
With this final donation and other fundraisers this Fall, we have been able to send monies for the purchase of paint for the classroom block!! Aside from desks and chairs, the project is complete and the children will soon be using it!!
As soon as photos arrive from Malawi, I will post them!
So...as the last blog mentioned, I plan to continue this ride, Karen's ride for Malawi, in 2012 and ride 500 miles up the coast of Maine! It is my hope to spread the word about this beautiful but impoverished country and support their efforts to succeed and prosper! It was a successful event last year and my hopes are that it is equally successful this year. I am seriously considering riding through all 50 states ultimately in this effort and believe that I will be able to do that! With the continuing support from family and friends there is no doubt that anything is possible, so I keep riding and raising money.
I think about Malawi often and have just watched "The Amazing Race" which recently took place in Malawi and it always stirs something inside me...so I thought I might use this blog to share my story from the beginning. Many of the people who I have met over these last few years know just a small bit of my story and I thought this might be a good place to put some of the details of 'how it all started'. Hopefully it will be enjoyable to some and if not, it will be a nice reminiscence for me!
In 2003 my oldest child, Shannon, was just starting high school. I didn't understand how she got so old and I felt ill-prepared to have a child of that age! She came home from school about 2 weeks in and announced that she wanted to go to Africa. I dismissed the idea a little because it was too overwhelming for me to think about her going to Africa, because I couldn't even believe she was in HIGH SCHOOL!! To make a long story short, we agreed to 'let' her go - I don't think anything could have stopped her! She worked hard and was determined to go on this trip and in the summer of 2005, when she was just 16 years old she left for Malawi for one month with a group of her peers and 2 chaperones!
The 'deal' was that if we (the parents) didn't hear anything from the kids, we were to consider that 'good news'. They were discouraged from contacting home in order to minimize the home-sickness that that contact might bring. So, I didn't hear anything from her for a month...until 2 days before they were due home she emailed her brother who called me to say that there was a strike at the airlines and they would be delayed in coming home. I didn't find out until she returned home, that she and a friend on the trip had a 'bet' that neither of them would contact home (even though others on the trip were). The debate continues today as to who won or lost, because she sent the email to her brother...she hadn't wanted me to 'freak out' hearing from the organization and she wanted to share that news.
The pictures they all shared and the stories they shared were amazing and inspiring. I admired greatly their hard work and courage in making such a journey and was impressed beyond words with the adults who traveled with them and kept them safe and walked with them on this trip.
This was what inspired me and moved me to want to go and see 'what all the fuss was about', so to speak.
So...that was the very beginning of this Malawi interest and endeavor we are on. I will continue with more on the next post!
Zikomo, (Thank you)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
So...I am off on another adventure!! I am currently 'scoping out' the route for next year's Karen's ride for Malawi. This past year's bike ride was fun, adventurous, but most of all it was successful in my gaining some support for Malawi. My last blog post was on September 11, and this past Friday was Veteran's Day...a little ironic in one sense. I know my 'cause' is not in gaining money for America, and some people don't like that, but on my 421 mile ride this past September, I gained an increased appreciation for our Country. Because of people's generosity
and willingness to help, that is what makes us such a wonderful nation!! The beauty is something that is unmistakable, as well!! It is so beautiful when I am out on the road; I get to see up close the natural beauty and I witness people from all over living their lives and going about their business as a passerby.Yesterday I rode about 22 miles (I got lost on the way back, but only by about 3 miles). I took some photos along the way; only a few...these are 'teasers' because I plan to take many more on this ride coming up.
Today I am riding up the Coast to check out the roads and see what might be a good route for me to ride in September. Stephen told me to keep my eyes open for moose, so I plan to have my camera by my side in the car today!
My plan is to ride 500 miles along the Maine coast in September 2012; again, I hope to raise money and awareness about the Country of Malawi and support them in the area of education. We have a big year planned and will be identifying a new project to work towards as our classroom block project is nearing completion. My goal this year on my ride is to do a little bit more in the way of awareness-raising in the form of press and public speaking wherever I can.
My long-term goal is to eventually ride around the country in these small segments, doing the same thing. Raising money and awareness about Malawi and Educate Malawi, Inc.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
8 Days completed!
See....beautiful! This was up at the Vermont/Massachusettls line, Bernardston, MA.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Break due to Rain!
We drove the route that I would have ridden that day and it was very beautiful but very hilly!! Also, it barely rained the whole time we were driving. I was not happy with that at all! Trying to make a safe decision by watching the weather is not an easy task...we did the best we could. I have some rain gear, but in addition to by getting wet I had to consider the conditions on the road (my tires are rather skinny ). Some of the downhills were very steep and I was thinking that my brakes might be challenged to slow down sufficiently. All in all I think we made the best decision we could!
I plan to continue on Thursday, riding 50 miles, then head back up to NH to ride into VT and then home. I do not think I will reach the 500 mile mark, but will ride for 8 days and will ride through 5 New England states as planned!!!
Thank you to those who have sent donations; it is greatly appeciated and will help us continue with completion of this project!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Day 4....halfway there!
The GPS I got for the bike brought me around some really nice back roads. I rode 57 miles today, and because there were a lot of turns, I think that it made the time and the miles go by quickly! I was paying attention to the next 2 miles, or 1.2 miles and before I knew it I had gone 20 miles! I felt pretty good by then, and then I was at 30 miles...decided to stop for a good snack:
I felt pretty good here, and kept riding. We had originally scheduled to ride 50 miles, and we reached that point at 12:06!! It was very exciting and impressive, if I do say so myself!
oh! A very exciting thing I saw, crazy as it might seem, was a hawk swoop down and get a mouse! At first, I wasnt' sure what I had seen...I thought a brach had fallen off a tree. But then as I rode up to where the hawk was he hopped up onto a fence post with a mouse squirming in its beak!! It was kinda cool, then I felt a little bad for the mouse! It really was kind of small, and I wondered how many of those the hawk might need to eat in a day!
So, at 50 miles, we plugged in hotels in the area, and Stephen went and got us a room reservation, so when I hit 57 miles he picked me up and we went and got lunch!!
Going to try to get some rest tonight because I am anticipating the next couple of days being a little difficult heading into New Hampshire!! Stay tuned!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Rhode Island back to MA...east side
Friday, September 2, 2011
Day 2 - In Rhode Island!
Hopefully tonight I will sleep a little better...tossed and turned last night until about 2:30 and then woke up at 6...
More tomorrow!! Maybe - we will be staying at a KOA campground and won't have internet so unless we stop at someplace with wi-fi, we won't have access. That's the other thing we have decided, that we need to update our technology some more! whew!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
1 down 7 to go!!
This is me with a picture of CHICOS in the background...if I thought I had time, I would have gone shopping!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tomorrow....I ride!
We plan to camp when we can, so have some hot chocolate and coffee and oatmeal and all that gear we are bringing also.
So...I think I will go dream of the road, and try to sleep before the Big Day tomorrow!!
Thank you all who have supported me in all the ways you have, financially, morally, prayer-wise, and encouraging me in this endeavor. I do not know how I will fare, but will soon find out. I do know that without the support I have received I would not be doing this.
Thank you all!
Monday, August 29, 2011
for sure...on the left-er side of my handlbars. I put a nice blinky light on the back of my rack. I've started getting my clothes together and thinking about all the accessories we will need to bring along - we might be camping some, so I took out some Folder's singles...they are always good on cold mornings camping. The first time we had them we were camping on our bikes...that was one of my favorite weekends ever!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Irene arrives
I am getting ready in my mind for the ride that starts Thursday. Stephen and I feel pretty comfortable with our plan for keeping in touch and knowing where each other is during the time I am riding. Maybe today I will start laying out my clothes and gear for the ride so that I'm ready. I need to bring my bike in for one last 'check-up.
So, because I will be riding around New England and along the coast in some areas, I am a little concerned about the condition of roads and the damage that I may find along the way. I suppose it's even possible that some roads may be impassable. I know I will figure it out when I get there!
I am considering a long-ish first day and riding straight through to Mystic...it would be about 80 miles; that would be a great start! We have talked about having a few long days in the beginning, then maybe even taking a day to not ride and rest a little bit.
So, as the week goes on I may post a few more reminders and thoughts as I get ready to go! If you have not already, please consider a donation; I am riding 500 miles and raising money for a cause I believe deeply in and wishing to complete our project that we have worked hard on for 2 years now! Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I rode 15 miles, and thought as I started that the saying is always appropriate…’it’s like riding a bike’…no matter how much time passes, I get on the bike and I am ‘one’…I love being on it and the feeling while I’m riding. In 12 days I will begin my big long ride…about 60 miles a day for 8 days!! And, as if that’s not all enough, in about a month we are moving!!! So, we are beginning to pack and clear out our house!!
I love riding because it gives me time to think…not that I don’t think at other times, because I spend a fair share of time thinking…this is different. It is a more passive type of thinking, where I just let my brain go where it wants and float, so to speak.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
See you all soon!
This might be the last entry I make as my trip is winding down…today is the second to last day here in Blantyre. Today is Monday, and I leave Wed. afternoon…so I will wind down my thoughts for this trip.
An observation that I have made on this trip was while Mathew and I were in the village, we were having lunch with his family. Several times during the meal, different people asked the young children to fetch more of something or to clear some dishes away. When I say young children, I am talking 4 or 5 years old. And they did as they were asked without a second thought. There seems to be a much stronger order and respect for elders than we experience in the U.S. In addition, the way the women carry their babies on their back and very close to them always, I think creates a much stronger bond…that closeness can’t help but increase the bond and trust between mother and child.
A last note that I have jotted down was from my meeting with Norma and Fortune, the two girls who received the scholarships. We met a couple of times and I asked them if they would have any interest in corresponding with college students in the U.S. or if any of their friends might want to. A couple of days passed and when we got together again they said that the response they received from the others was that they didn’t have time to write letters and would rather use facebook or twitter. I had supplied them with addressed envelopes and stamps. I was a little disappointed and surprised, but I realized that it makes sense, who doesn’t like technology and instant connection? So I asked if they wanted to see if they would be interested in passing that information along, maybe we could follow up some time in the future.
So, I think I will wrap this up, because I have written just about all the thoughts that I have right now. I have several days left before I return home, 1 more here and then essentially 30 hours of travelling over the 2 days after that.
The last thing I want to say is a huge Thank you to all who have taken the time to write to me and help me stay connected through this time. Some of you have also shared that you have read my blog, which was encouraging and helped me continue writing, thank you. I will see you all back on the other side of the pond!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Getting to the end!
I started writing last night about some random thoughts, so I will continue that. The next note I had jotted down had to do with the education situation here. I went up to the office to meet our contact, Oster, and had to wait for a while. I noticed there were job postings on the boards in the front of the building…a lot of them. A young man came in and was reading them; I asked him if he was looking for a job, and he said he was just reading them. He said he is a teacher at a rural school in Zomba where there are 700 students with 6 qualified teachers. This is not an uncommon occurrence at all; in fact, it is the norm. This is why we started doing what we are doing, to help assist in some way with these conditions. I left the office for a few minutes to go to the post office and while I was on the back,
Oster stopped and picked me up on his motorcycle!! Later in the week we rode all the way out to the school on it…it was fun!
Ok, so some other observations…..music…I am not the music wiz, but I do know oldies! There is a lot of old music that gets played…in the car Mathew and I listened to and old Lionel Richie cd repeatedly…it is still stuck in my head! One day walking into town in Zomba, I passed a store playing the Backstreet Boys…and old one; actually I don’t know if there are any new ones!! One day we were listening to the radio and the announcer was talking about the late 60’s and all the hippies that were around then. It was just funny to hear that reference here; I don’t’ know if they had Malawian hippies?
On the way to the school, there is a section of the road that is paved and it looks like there is ongoing construction on it. On the sides of the roads are piles of rocks…being made into gravel. There were several people on the side using a hammer to smash the large rock into small gravel…by hand in the hot sun, for hours all day. They are not in prison working for penance or anything, and I doubt they get a lot of money at all for that hard work!!
People are very friendly here; sometimes I think they look at me suspiciously and almost….I don’t know the word…but I have found that if I say good morning or smile it usually gets returned. Many times people say hello to me first; walking into town one morning, I think the same morning as the Back Street Boys song, a man on a bicycle was coming around the corner and as he approached and passed me he said, ‘good morning sister, how are you?’ I responded in kind and it just put a smile on my face to be greeted that warmly by a stranger!
When I walk around with Mathew or Leah here in Malawi, we can hardly walk a block without them running into someone they know, and we stop and chat. Well, I felt like a Malawian the other day, twice! I met a man at the motel and we ate breakfast together; he was in Zomba doing some work related to HIV, and I passed him on the street and we greeted each other. It was nice to see someone I recognized on the street! Then another day, I was walking to the College, and ran into Bernard, a friend who we met through other friends of ours from Malawi. We greeted each other and he asked where I was going; I told him and he gave me a ride! It was very nice. That is the other thing; there is very much community and people helping each other here in a way that is different from the U.S. Maybe it is the Northeast; we do have a reputation, apparently, of being cold and unfriendly.
On that similar note; I was at Bernard’s office, he works in an insurance office, and a customer came in complaining about something. I later learned that he was a minibus driver and had gotten a ticket from the police for not having proper insurance coverage and he didn’t have the money to pay the ticket, and was saying it was a mistake by the insurance company. Bernard took him (and I went with them) to talk to the police about the matter. We first stopped at the police ‘department’ or headquarters and they directed us to where the police were, out of the road. The police sit on the road in numbers, several will sit in a particular location and randomly stop cars and check for license and insurance and just generally check on the direction of the vehicle and their purpose for the travel. We pulled off the side of the road at one of these stops and Bernard and the man got out to talk with the police. Bernard is the insurance agent, mind you. Actually he is a regional branch manager, so I think even higher than just an agent! He wanted to clear the matter up and make sure it was not a mistake on his office’s part and was willing to accompany this man to find out the pertinent information. I couldn’t believe the length he went to in order to find out the truth of the matter. In the end, I think the man was found to be in violation and his ticket was not cleared. He was angry when he got back in the car and was saying that the police ‘just take things personally and judge you before they know the facts. They don’t like to admit if they are wrong’. So, we headed back toward the office and to drop the man off at where his vehicle was, and Bernard wanted to show me his house he is building. The man just had to come along with us. I asked him if he would take a picture of us in front of the house, and he did, though he looked upset still about
his insurance situation.
On this trip, I saw two men, different times and places, peeing on the side of the road. They were right out in the open, without a second thought…one of them was an old man and he was right outside Bernard’s house! Not something you see like that in the U.S. People shake their heads about it, but you don’t get arrested for it!
A few more thoughts…I have kept track of my spending and money, and wanted to pass along some information of cost of items…people always ask if things are more or less expensive here, and I guess the best answer is that it depends on what the item is. For example, my hotel room in Zomba was the executive unit, it had 2 twin beds, a bathroom in the room, tile floor, and tv (which didn’t work) and a coffee station. The room was mostly comfortable, it had a great mosquito net with no holes in it, and a ceiling fan, which worked when there was electricity! The room cost me about $19 per night, so that is not bad at all especially considering that was the most expensive!! Oh yeah, and that included breakfast every day; tea, 1 egg, chips (fried potatoes) and bread…not bad!
Gas, on the other hand, is a different story…let me see if I can do the math:
It costs 290 kwacher per liter
There are 3.7 liters in gallon and 180 kwacha per dollar (that is the rate I got)
So…290 x 3.7 = 1073 / 180 = 5.96…if my math is right, that means that gas cost $5.96 per gallon here!!!
So, there is some difference for ya! We cannot complain when we pay, what, $3.70 per gallon? And we have money in the U.S.!!
I paid $4,000 kwacha a day for the car rental = $22 per day, plus 20 kwacha per mile, plus gas. I think it was the gas that killed the whole thing, really! So it was not cheap, but it was better than the minibus!
A coca cola cost about 100 kwacha = about .55.
I have paid 1,800 mk for a pizza, which is about comparable, about $10, it may even cost more here!
So.. that is it for today...I had pictures to accompany this entry, but i am now low on internet minutes...hard to explain. So I will have to bypass that for right now! More tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Being by myself is mostly ok, and I do talk to myself because I love to talk!! Anyone who knows me I think will agree! I have been able to share pictures and type this without being concerned about how many units are left and how long it will take for photos to upload...a little luxurious!
I want to take a moment to add, right here, on this note, that there is not much that I would consider luxurious by American standards. I was really happy that the hot pot in my room worked and I was able to make a cup of coffee in my room using the Ricoffy that I bought at the store today...those things are the best! Let's see, what else, oh! I haven't had a hot shower since I left home about 10 days ago...but I don't think I really smell too bad. What else...well, there is a t.v. in the room I am in (it's considered an executive suite because it has a bathroom in it). An employee of the motel took the remote control because I told him it didn't work. When he brought it back this afternoon, he said that the tv. is controlled by the t.v. in the bar, so whtever they are watching is what shows up on the room t.v., so my remote control unit won't work no matter what! Plus, the volume doesn't work on my t.v.,so I can see the picture, but not hear anything!
So I am happy to have the luxury of my phone and the laptop and ability to maintain contact with home...it has been helpful to hear from people who write me and comment on photos, etc. I have to say, that although I have been here 3 times before this, it has been challenging for me, so especially important to hear from friends and family. Thank you to those of you who have stayed in touch, I really appreciate it a lot!
So after breakfast, i made my way down to the college, Chancellor College. The funny story of that trip, was that I wasn't entirely sure where I was going...I was in the area, but at one intersection I wasn't sure if I should turn left or right. I turned right, then after walking a ways, I thought it didn't look like the right way, and as I passed 2 women, I heard one say quietly, 'she was just walking that way and now she is going this way...' I turned around and said, 'that's because she's lost', in a funny way...so the woman kindly told me I had been going the right way afterall!
I met with the heads of the Education department and we talked about the scholarships for the next semester, whenever that is. There is a lot of unrest in the Country right now and all areas seem to be affected in some way. I then got to meet the women who received these last 2 scholarships we awarded and we talked for a little while and I took pictures and some video to share with people back home. I think they were as excited to meet me as I was to meet them! It was a special day for me...Well, that is all for now; I have to go finish my dinner! Will write more later!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
We stopped at the school on the way into Zomba and picked up some of the pen pal letters; the kids are really sweet when they are turning them in. I am taking pictures of them, so the kids back home can see who wrote to them. It is a fun exchange and seems to be special to them all.
I also plan to spend some time at the college learning a little more about the students and this particular college. I will take pictures of the women we awarded scholarships to the last semester and collect any applications for this upcoming semester.
More later!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Last day in Cape Maclear
So I am wondering now about the whole fair trade concept and feel that it is, to some degree, a subjective thing. Because 'fair' my be different to every person. If you were to extend the definition to include abiltity to pay for living expenses, one could argue what that even means. I am not a sociologist, economist, or anthropoligist by any means, but my thought is that it may be difficult to truly determine what is fair. If one vendor feels that 100 kwacha is fair and he is able to support himself and/or family while another wants 1000 kwacha or the same item...which is truly fair?
The whole barter system is difficult for me anyway, because I don't like to haggle...I don't like to offend anyone, but I also like fairness...it is truly one of my least favorite things. The irony about that is that my friend from Malawi and I were talking about this one day and she said she prefers the barter system to the American system of set pricing. She doesn't feel it is fair for there not to be an opportunity to get a lower price.
So....I have just tried to upload a picture of each of the vendors but I guess Blogger does not want to upload anymoreright now...it's tired.
I will try to post more later today or tomorrow!
So long for now!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I DID IT!!!!
We started out in Blantyre at 6:30 a.m. and drove to Zomba. While in Zomba, we met with the committee at the school who consisted of the village chiefs, education officials, some teachers, children and the building committee including the contractor. I took photos of the project, which is looking amazing, and also of the committe. I showed the whole committee the video that a fourth grader made and gave to us. He participated in the pen pal program from the Sunderland Elementary School. I thought I had posted it on our website, but I just looked and it is not there. BUT HERE IT IS!!! On YouTube, check it out if you get a chance!!
'Ben's malawi movie' - it's really good!!!
So, after that meeting, Mathew and I got in the car and set off for Cape Maclear. We had fuel, which is a big deal...Malawi has been struggling getting access to adequate amounts of fuel. At one point it was gas (petrol) that was scarce and currently it is diesel which is a problem. We have seen lines running down the street of people waiting for fuel, just on the rumor that it would be available that day. I wish I could adequately describe the experience of driving in these conditions. Well, I call them 'conditions'; what I mean is just driving her in Malawi, another country different from ours. Once I started, I just had to pay attention to staying on the left. That was not as difficult as navigating the left side of the car and road; it was difficult for me to judge the distance because usually I'm sitting on that side of the car next to the side of the road!! 2 things that were helpful to me; Mathew alerted me if I was getting close, and sometimes I knew it because I could hear the gravel or dirt when I was too close to that side.
There are people and animals walking or riding bicycles on both sides of the road, and they often swerve or jet out unexpectedly. While Stephen and I were here last year, the truck we were drving in hit a goat that ran across the road at an unfortunate time...I can still hear his little bleet as he was hit!! And while Mathew was driving the other day, the same happened with a chicken...yuck!! He kind of laughs at me, but I don't care!! I almost stopped the car a couple of times while I was driving because of the goats...fortunately there weren't any other cars around, so I was able to do that. In another circumstance I may have to make a different decision; I pray that doesn't happen. But I have to say, the goats are not the brightest and I am almost getting annoyed with them for not taking better care of themselves!! ha ha ha, I just heard that silliness!
So....we drove. And drove...the roads were paved and in pretty good condition, really. It was just a really long drive and a bit tedious. We were stopped at police checkpoints a couple of times, once while Mathew was driving and once for me. While I was stopped the policeman asked if I had a Fanta (soda) and I said no, I don't have any Fanta. I did have a Coke, but didn't want to offer it :) After we pulled away Mathew said he had wanted some money; I said he didn't ask and I had a feeling that's what he wanted. I was glad he didn't push it because I like my money to and don't like to give it away in that manner!!!
Three times during our trip, cows crossed the road in front of us and I deemed that our good luck signal; I dont' know why, it's just what I thought of! We were getting a little low on gas by the time we were approaching Cape Maclear and stopped at a couple of stations outside of the village to check and see if we could top it off. There was no gas and one stations said there my be some tomorrow...We have a 5 liter container in the trunk of the car as a back up...but I would rather not chance all that. The gas gauge does not work and there isn't a precise (sp?) km/gallon number for us to use to calculate, so we want to make sure we get back ok.
It has taken me several days to settle into the pace of Malawi again and the experience of being 'alone' here. A fortunate thing that differs this time is that we made arrangements and I have very good access to internet on this trip that is a huge difference from previos trips. I feel like it's 'cheating' in some way, and cheapening the experience of being in a third world comfort by having this luxury, but...well, I have had the other and did not want to do it again!
Thank you all for your support. Please pray for our continued safe travels!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
August 4...day 2 in Malawi
I am staying with a friend for a few days in Blantyre and we spent some time talking last night. Every time I come to Malawi, I learn a little bit more about this country but I think most importantly, I learn more about myself and the world at large. I mean, I guess I sometimes forget that ‘people are people’ and that there are a lot of the same issues no matter where you go. We were talking about everything from politics to education to relationships….and I think I always want to generalize about the country’s people and I’m continually reminded that there is not one generalization about anyone!
Had a really bad night’s sleep; a bit of insomnia; I couldn’t get to sleep until after 2 a.m.! So, today will be a little relaxed and trying to rest up before I get this trip rolling into gear! I have a few things l want to accomplish while here, but think I will have plenty of down time as well.
So…I guess I will write more later; not much going on yet, but wanted to post a couple of updates for anyone who might be interested. Will write more when there is more to say!
Bye for now!
August 2 - still traveling!!
Stephen brought me to the airport on Monday afternoon; we were supposed to leave between 4 and 4:30, and left closer to 4:30. We got as far as exit 49 on I91, and I realized I did not have my camera charger; which would mean when my camera battery died, I couldn’t charge it!!
We turned around and got it and just as we started back out, the skies opened up; it rained a lot of the way to New York, then dried up some. It was some pretty crazy weather. The GPS saved us a lot…had we not had it to warn us of severe traffic ahead and re-routed us, I probably would not have made my flight!! But, we listened to it, and made it with a little time to spare. I got a bit teary leaving Stephen at the security check-point…it was a bit overwhelming and scary; it’s a BIG world!!
I made it on the plane without a hitch at security or anything; I am always concerned about the carry on luggage, but it wasn’t even a question apparently. I did have to pay for a second checked bag, which I have never had to do before and didn’t like. I didn’t have a choice, so paid the $50! I got to my seat and was on an isle and there was a woman on the opposite isle with 2 seats in between us. No one ended up sitting at any of those, and then she ended up moving somewhere so I had 4 seats all to myself!! Talk about spoiled!! I probably won’t get that lucky again, but I did enjoy it!
The flight was uneventful; I watched one good movie, and dinner was served at about 12:30, then I slept a bit; about 3 hours on and off. Then they were serving a small breakfast just before we landed!!! It went quite fast. And then time came to a stand still….I have now been in Frankfurt Germany for what feels like forever…it has only been…well, I don’t even know. My time schedule is so screwed up, I don’t know what time I got here or what time it is now!!! I guess we got here a little before noon, and it is now almost 5:30; the plane doesn’t board until 8:00!!! I had a little tour of the city and got myself a ‘frankfurter and a beer’ in Frankfurt…I can’t get enough of that; I even asked a lady to take a picture of me!! So…I saw some of the buildings and museums; I guess Franfurt is really more of a business city than a tourist city, but that’s ok, I have now been to Frankfurt!!
Well, next stop, Johannesburg for a 2 hour layover then on to Malawi; it will be tomorrow afternoon by the time I land there. I am glad the flight home isn’t this long; I will be ready to get home and would have a really hard time with that if I had to deal with it!!
More when I can!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
July 31, 2011
We have met so many amazing people that I have high hopes for future expansion and progress on our work there. Eduacation comes in many forms and I feel that I gain more education in so many areas every time I travel there.
Will write more when I can! Hopefull before a MONTH goes by!!